FMM is a school of success

Kyiv Polytechnic celebrated its 125th anniversary with significant achievements. The Faculty of Management and Marketing also has something to report. Moreover, in 2022, a difficult year for the country - a year of challenges and trials - the FMM turned 30.

Open lecture by Borys Basok

In September 2023, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Professor Borys Basok gave an open lecture "Energy and Global Warming" for master's students majoring in 141 "Electric Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics" at the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv

Training from the National Resistance Center

KPI students began to take a course in basic combat training.

Our students were trained in tactical medicine, the ability to detect and handle explosive devices and mastered the skills of handling weapons.

KPI inspection 2023

In the period from October 02 to 13, 2023, the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine conducted an audit of the organization of meeting the vital needs of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute employees in terms of the correctness of the calculation and payment of wages at the University.

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