From scientific idea to copyright

Modern science makes good use of pseudorandom number generator in various applications from Monte Carlo and Simulation modeling to cryptography. Essentially pseudorandom number generator drawing computers using recursive algorithms.

The joy of the soul - Radomishl

Among the geographical names of Ukraine there are many  reflected the depth of the essence of phenomena and events related to the area.

Kulzhenko Stefan - a prominent publisher

January 5 is the birthday of the famous Kiev publisher of late XIX - early XX century Stefan Vasilyevich Kulzhenko. In scientific and technical library of the University, this date was marked by the presentation of books published at the time in the printing house of Kulzhenko.

Distance education: confusion or help for teacher?

Distance learning is a modern and promising form of providing educational services, which successfully operates in NTUU "KPI". Efficiently created online courses simplify the learning process of the relevant disciplines and provide the individual nature of disciplines.

Pymonenko Mykola

Looking through the list of teachers who have worked at the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute in the early twentieth century, it is impossible not to draw attention to the name of a man who seemingly had nothing to do with technology and science – the painter Mykola Pymonenko.

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