The characteristics of radar stations will be improved

With the help of modern radar stations, images of the earth's surface are obtained, which are used for weather forecasting, research of natural resources, geological exploration, monitoring of catastrophes, ecological pollution, etc.

Library Developing Strategies: From Idea To Implementation

“The strategies of developing libraries: from an idea to implementation” - the title of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference, which took place online on October 6-9, 2020 hosted by Hryhorii Denysenko Scientific and Technical Library of the National Technical University of Ukra

Sikorsky Challenge expands its network in Ukraine

The work of the Festival of Innovation continues. During the next discussion panel they talked about the development of the regional network of innovation environment Sikorsky Challenge. Today there are already 13 clusters in Ukraine and 5 in other countries.

Weekdays of future specialists in the production of devices

The PBF Department of Instrumentation Design and Engineering prepares specialists at three levels of higher education in the speciality 151 "Automation and computer-integrated technologies", educational program "Computer-integrated device production technologies".

Cyber-hygiene is important!

Representatives of the Civilian Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) CRDF Global (USA) proposed to implement free online course on cyberhygiene "Basic rules of security in the digital environment " in our university.

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