Holodomor Remembrance Day. Day of mourning

Today we honour the memory of those who died of artificial starvation organized by the totalitarian Soviet government in 1932-33. According to various estimates, several million Ukrainians, from 4.5 to 10, have fallen victim to the regime.

102nd anniversary of Borys Eugenovych Paton

A legendary man, a renowned Ukrainian, a patron of national science, a brilliant managerial talent, inexhaustible energy, overwhelming thirst for life – all this is about him. On November 27, we celebrate the 102nd anniversary of the birth of Borys Eugenovych Paton.

Be Careful: Fake News!

Unfortunately, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute opponents resort to extremely unscrupulous methods, spreading frankly false, fake information. Another dirty insinuation concerns the panel on the wall of the University campus #18. Some people say it is going to be removed.

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