On July 8, Mykhailo Zgurovsky's work as Rector of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” came to an end. This period in the life of the university can be characterized in one word - “epoch”. Indeed, the period during which Mykhailo Zgurovsky headed the university - and this is a quarter of its history - is associated with huge changes in the activities of KPI. In fact, during the years of Mykhailo Zgurovsky's tenure, the former large Soviet-style university, which worked in a system of iron subordination to the center, was transformed into a modern technical multidisciplinary university, well known not only in Ukraine but also far beyond its borders.

The restructuring of the KPI was closely linked to the processes of transformation of the state and its economic complex, but the university staff managed to cope with the global challenges posed by life. Rector M.Z. Zgurovsky was always at the center of all the processes taking place in the life of the country and took initiatives that allowed the university to respond effectively to the challenges of the times. At the same time, he supported useful initiatives and productive ideas of scientists, teachers and students. In response to the needs of the state, new faculties and departments were opened at KPI, new scientific schools and new specialties were born, and interesting innovations were introduced.

It was not always easy to work with Mykhailo Zakharovych: the university became his second home and he really wanted everything that happened in this house to be perfect. But when he succeeded in achieving his goal, all those who worked alongside him were convinced again and again of the effectiveness of his ideas and the fairness of his demands. For many university employees, including the heads of most departments, the years of work with M. Zgurovsky became a real professional school and, at the same time, a school of responsibility and, indeed, a school of life.

Therefore, I would like to hope that for Mykhailo Zgurovsky the completion of his work as rector is not the end of his work at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, but the beginning of a new interesting stage.

Thank you, dear Mykhailo Zakharovych, on behalf of the staff of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute!

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