The annual hackathon CSC 55 - Computer Science and Cybernetics - is held by the Faculty of Computer Science and Cybernetics of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and the NGO Hackathon Expert Group with the support of GlobalLogic, Revenue Grid, MiddleWare Europe.

The hackathon participants solved data analysis and pattern recognition problems.

The absolute winner of this hackathon was a team of bachelor's and master's students of the KPI, including:

👩‍🎓 Anastasia Komar, FB-11
👩‍🎓 Ksenia Kayuk, FI-31mn
👨‍🎓 Oleg Humeniuk, FB-31mn
👨‍🎓 Andriy Aseko-Nkili, FI-31mn

We are proud of our students and wish them new victories!

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