he art contest "KPI Talents" - 2024, which was held under the slogan "With spring in the heart - to the Victory", is over. The results have been summarized and the winners have been announced.


The competition was attended by 95 polytechnics. They presented about 300 works.  

Students of ISZZI, FBT, Institute of IATE, FIOT, FEL, institute of VPI FL, PBF, FBMI, FSP, Institute of IAT, institute of IPSA, Institute of FTI, teachers and employees of university departments took part in it. Among the contestants, there will be participants who have already exhibited their works several times, as well as those whose creative works have been presented for the first time in "KPI Talents". The selected works were posted in an album on the Art Gallery's Facebook page. The winners were determined by an open vote of the audience and approved by the order of the Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work Oleksiy Zhuchenko №NOD/370/24 of 15.05.2024.

The following participants won the contest:


I place - student of the Institute of ITS Viktoria Patsuk and student of ISZZI Maria Dyka. II place - student of the Institute of VPI Danaya Redka, student of the Institute of IAE Polina Chernysheva and scientific secretary of the Institute of IPSA Olena Kirik. III place - leading engineer of the FSP Olena Kozlova, student of the FSP Viktoria Novitska, student of the Institute of VPI Ivan Tiutiunnyk.


I place - student of the Institute of Physics and Technology Angelina Tarasenko and student of the Institute of ISZZI Anton Trukhan.

Decorative and applied arts

I place - specialist of the 1st category of FL Iryna Solianyk. II place - specialist of the 1st category of FL Lyudmyla Trischun, III place - student of the Institute of FTI Polina Sotnikova.


I place - specialist of the 1st category Iryna Solianyk. II place - FBT student Yulia Misiuk and FEL associate professor Oksana Harmash. III place - Iryna Kuzevanova, assistant of the HTF.


I place - student of the Institute of ITS Bohdan Shumskyi and student of the HTF Andrii Ulianenko. II place - FL specialist Liudmyla Trishchun, student of the Institute of IATE Vladyslav Korin and student of the Institute of IPSA Yurii Holovko. III place - student of the Institute of ISZZI Olena Prokudina, student of the Institute of ITS Ilya Zagorulko, student of the Institute of ITS Elina Matsyuk and student of the Institute of ISZZI Anna Hetmanska.

Computer graphics

I place - Anna Sivashenko, a student of the Institute of FTI, and Tetiana Havryliuk, a student of the Institute of IATE (the second place was not awarded). III place - Artur Lynnyk, a student of the Institute of Telecommunications and Information Systems, and Bohdan Movchan, a student of the Institute of ISZZI .

Diplomas will be sent to the winners electronically.

According to the information of the Art Gallery of the Art Gallery named after Hryhorii Synitsia of the Central Committee

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