From the University Rector report: on August, 28 2020 on the meeting of the teaching staff: the University proceeds an active work in the programmes of academic mobility with universities of 27 countries worldwide. During the past academic year 146 students took part in the programmes of academic mobility.
From the Head of the Department professor S.M.Peresady, Doctor of technical sciences: In accordance with the Erasmus+ programme students and teachers of the Department of Automation of the Electromechanical Systems and Electric Drive (AEMCEP) of the Faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics passed an academic fellowship at University of Warwick, Coventry, Great Britain. In general, two Master's students of the 1st and 2nd year of studies, two graduate students, and also four teachers, took part in the programme. Students had an opportunity to live in a residence hall, attended classes, conducted researches at laboratories and toured the country. While on a four-month fellowship, the Programme participants, students Dmytro Rodkin and Oleksii Zinchenko, gained new knowledge and a rewarding experience. D.Rodkin prepared and defended his Master thesis in English, passed Postgraduate exams and will continue the researches on the Department. O.Zinchenko is working on his Master thesis based on the common findings with British scientists.

Students' impressions and memories of internships and research work at the British University, given below, are certainly of great interest.

Instead of a preface. We, Masters of the Department of Automation of the Electromechanical Systems and Electric Drive of the Faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics, happened to take part in the Erasmus + academic mobility programme. It was a big challenge as we went to Europe for the first time and, furthermore, to the world's leading university. A bit unconfident and insecure at first, we quickly realized that we have the appropriate level of training. Assessing the subject and level of scientific research, which we performed in the department laboratories, we were given an opportunity to conduct researches on our own on equal terms with postgraduate students and full-time researchers of the university.

After four months of working at the University of Warwick, communicating with students and postgraduate students from different countries, we can say that Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, despite the difficulties in the country, is a world educational and scientific center.

[The full version of material is in Ukrainian language]