The department of sketch geometry, engineering and computer graphic arts of physics and mathematics faculty accepted worthy guests from other departments of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute on the 28th October, 2019, and also from the National university of bioresources of Ukraine, National aviation university, Kyiv national university of building and architecture and others. On that day the solemn meeting of department took place here. All its participants were collected to respect and remembrances about the manager of department, deserved worker of higher school of UKRAINE, doctor of engineering sciences, professor, academician A.Pavlov and realization of value of his personality for science, university and department. Exactly his professionalism, teaching and scientific activity brought a department on a level that allowed to create here courses of in-plant training of teachers of a sketch geometry and engineering graphic arts of all technical universities of former Soviet.

The hundred colleagues from all corners of country and foreignness arrived to listen his brilliant lecture. All, who was working with A.Pavlov, realize the enormous role that he played in their life and statement in a profession. His zeal, inspiration, enthusiasm, was passed to all, who surrounded him and continue in the activity of his students, scientists and teachers. For this reason the collective of department decided to create the audience named after A.Pavlov.

H. Hnitetska (the head of department of a sketch geometry, engineering and computer graphic arts) opened the meeting. She told about the creative way of А.Pavlov and his payment in creation of department. She told about his creative achievements and creation of a new scientific school for his student and follower.
A.Pavlov told about his father – he shared the remembrances about him. He told, how his father woke him among night and told about new ideas, scientific developments, perspective surfaces of aircrafts instruments. For a son it sometimes was a difficult trial and after such "lecture" he slept. But afterwards and became a wonderful scientist and teacher.

While reading lectures A.Pavlov had a habit to meet a look with each of students. He determined by such method, to whom and that exactly is incomprehensible, on what it is needed to stop and repeat. And yet he tried to detect the future colleagues, people that will be able to work in science. Such students he offered to work on a department.

The collective of department will continue the business that A.Pavlov began. And the audience named after him will remind about him.

V.Yrchuk and O.Lebedeva

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