A student worthy of his mentor. Win in the competition

According to the results of the second round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the speciality "Applied Mechanics (Mechanical Engineering Technologies)" in 2021, the first degree diploma was awarded to a student of the Department of Mechanical Engineering Technolog

The friction assemblies will last longer

Modern high-tech industries such as aircraft manufacturing, space industry, automotive industry, military industrial complex and others, have led to the demand for laminated metal and metal-ceramic materials capable of operating effectively under rather harsh conditions.

The cavitation and magnetic modifier of liquid environments

One of the projects which was represented in the final of startup competition on the VIII Festival of innovational projects «Sikorsky Challenge 2019» was cavitation and magnetic modifier of liquid environments. The work of this device is based on the process of hydrodynamic cavitation.

Innovative developments for the manufacture of medical products

The project of scientists of Department of Laser Systems and Physical Technologies (LTFT), of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering (MMI) for the manufacture of medical products made by a 3D printer became the finalist of the Sikorsky Challenge startup competition

Mechatronic hydroplant

Alternative technologies and devices, which use renewable energy and energy saving technology, are being developed due to threat of global energy and ecological crisis in the innovative countries.

Oleksandr Bondarets: a professional in mechanical testing

Among the winners of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute contest “Young Lecturer-Reseacher 2018” is the assistant of the Department of Dynamics and Strength of Machines and Strength of Materials of MMI, junior research associate of the Research and Experimental Centre “Nadiynist” (MMI) Oleks

Summer School “Mechatronics in Engineering” 2019

From June 25 to July 4 at the Mechanical Engineering Institute of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, the Fourth Summer School “Mechatronics in Engineering 2019” was held. This event organized on the basis of the Department of Applied Hydro-Aeromechanics and Mechatronics.

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