Institute of Physics and Technology Celebrates the 25th Anniversary!

The Institute of Physics and Technology of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute has celebrated its 25th anniversary.  On November 23-28, a holiday week dedicated to the Institute anniversary was held through distance mode.  The celebration program included a demonstration of several

Cyber-hygiene is important!

Representatives of the Civilian Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) CRDF Global (USA) proposed to implement free online course on cyberhygiene "Basic rules of security in the digital environment " in our university.

IPT Associate Professor Awarded Medal "Defender of Ukraine"

Oleksii Baranovskyi, Associate Professor of the Institute of Physics and Technology of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, received an award from the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine - the “Defender of Ukraine” Medal.

Distance courses require careful and meticulous creation

Про особливості навчання в період карантину розмовляємо з Сергієм Яковлєвим, доцентом кафедри математичних методів захисту інформації ФТІ.

Freshman Gold Medal

Recently, Nazar Ponochevnyi, a first-year student of Institute of Physics and Technology of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, received a gold medal at the AIGC-2019 Global Innovation Competition. The competition was held in Singapore.

Prize from the President of Ukraine for IPT scientists

Young scientists, Candidates of Science, associate professors Dmytro Progonov, Sergiy Yakovlyev, Oleksiy Baranovskyi received a Prize from the President of Ukraine in 2018 for the work «Models and methods of cyber security of restricted information in ICT systems»

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