Distance education: confusion or help for teacher?

Distance learning is a modern and promising form of providing educational services, which successfully operates in NTUU "KPI". Efficiently created online courses simplify the learning process of the relevant disciplines and provide the individual nature of disciplines.

Dormitory #18

Address of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute dormitory number 18 (FEA, FMM, IPT): 03056, Kyiv, str. Borschagivska 148
Tel. 456 36 13
Block system. Shower and toilet for 1 block.

Academic building #7

Address of building No. 7: 37-k Beresteiskyi Avenue (Old address: 37 Peremohy Ave.)
General project organization "KyivZNDIEP". Construction of the complex in 1975-1985. Building of the General Technical Faculty.

Dormitory #17

Address of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute dormitory number 17 (graduate students, family students, FMM): 03056, Kyiv, str. Vyborzka, 1
Tel. 204 90 10

The history of FMM

The faculty of management and marketing provides training in management, economics and entrepreneurship. Graduates of our faculty are able to make informed decisions relating to management personnel, market, production, foreign and innovation activities.

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