In Remembrance of Fallen Defenders of Ukraine

Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic honored all the polytechnicians who died during the Revolution of Dignity, in the Anti-terrorist Operation / Joint Forces Operation Zone and during the full-scale russian invasion.

Kyiv Polytechnicians Defend Ukraine

A lot of students, teachers, scientists and employees of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute defend our country at the frontline. Some of them took up weapons for the first time, some have been familiar with military routine since 2014.

Dmytro Tomashevych: from Gliders to Rockets

On this day, October 10, 1899, Dmytro Ludvyhovych Tomashevych was born. He was a graduate of Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, brilliant Soviet aircraft designer, chief designer of rockets.

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