How to win millions in the game? Who is a part of the esports community at the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute? Why are computer game players called esportsmen? Where is Ukraine in the world ranking? How to advance in esports? Which competitions can you participate in for free?
Volodymyr studied at the Faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics, and completed his master's degree in the educational program “Electrical Power Stations" in 2018.
Dear, Lovely Women! We congratulate you heartily on International Women's Day! We wish you sincere affection and love, heartsease, peace be to your houses, goodness and happiness to you and your relatives!
At the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, schoolchildren learn to develop their first devices. KPISchool is a part of the "Prospective Student" project, which popularizes engineering among young people.
The All-Ukrainian newspaper for education, academic and research workers "Svit" arrived at the age of quarter-century last year. It was founded by the Ministry of Education and Science and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in April 1997.
The newspaper "Kyiv Polytechnic" was founded in 1927. And since then, throughout its history, it has been the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute chronicler, and therefore the country chronicler.
Cheating and plagiarism: is it possible to call someone else's work your own? How is the originality of students' works checked? On what grounds can a degree be revoked? Where is plagiarism and cheating allowed? Does everyone know about academic integrity?