KPI graduate Yuriy Lyubovytskyi died

Yuriy graduated from the Faculty of Radio Engineering of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.

"We remember him as sincere, always smiling, ready to help everyone. He was a real father and an example of manhood and patriotism for his children," his family says about Yuriy.

Support for talented students

KPI and Credit Agricole signed an agreement that provides for the improvement of the learning space, promotion of young talents, educational programs, and assistance in finding a job for graduates.

Cooperation to help war victims

Due to the full-scale war with Russia and the increasing number of people in need of prosthetics and rehabilitation, Ukraine has a need to implement the best technologies in this field.

Happy Independence Day 2023!

Dear Kyiv Polytechnics! I sincerely congratulate you on the Independence Day of Ukraine!

The history of gaining independence of our country is a complex and thorny path that Ukrainians have been walking for many centuries.

Happy Flag Day, KPI students!

Dear Kyiv Polytechnics! On August 23, all Ukrainians celebrate the Flag Day - one of the three state symbols that became the official signs of our statehood and our sovereignty after Ukraine gained independence.

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