🎥 International Forum “Artificial Intelligence: Global Dialogue” in KPI

Artificial intelligence, or AI, as it is often abbreviated, is probably the fastest growing scientific and technological field in comparison to other IT industries and breakthrough areas of innovation. The scope of its application is constantly growing: AI is already serving people in agriculture and industry, medicine and transport, marketing and sociology, etc. And this range is expanding almost every month. For our country, its potential for use in the defence sector is particularly important today. 

In search of the key factors for the success of modern business

Despite the air raids, on April 25, 2024, the Faculty of Management and Marketing hosted the V International Scientific and Practical Conference “Business, Innovation, Management: Problems and Prospects”, organized by the Department of Business Management.

Renewable energy is the way forward

This year's International Scientific and Practical Online Conference “Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in the 21st Century”, held in late May, was the twenty-fifth anniversary. It was dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Ukraine's membership in UNESCO and the 20th anniversary of the Institute of Renewable Energy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

With unwavering faith and strength of spirit

War and peace intertwined in one exhibition, but with unwavering faith in our Victory - this is how the exhibition opened on May 14 at the Center for Culture and Arts of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute can be described. Or rather, there are two of them: "Faces of Power" by artist Natalia Duka and "Kyiv Motifs" by Asya Kolos. 

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