On November 21, 2024, the 36th reporting and election conference of thePrimary Trade Union Organization of the National Technical University ofUkraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” was held in the Hall of theAcademic Council.
The delegates of the conference heard and discussed the report of thetrade union committee for the period from December 2019 to November 2024. Thereport states that the university trade union committee aimed to protect thesocio-economic rights and interests of educators, especially those who foundthemselves in difficult life circumstances as a result of the full-scaleRussian aggression against Ukraine; monitored compliance with laborlegislation, etc. The activities of the Trade Union were also aimed atimplementing material support measures, helping the military and the victims,ensuring social and legal protection of the team members, representing theinterests of employees in the commissions and councils of the University,organizing cultural and sports events and, of course, improving the health ofemployees and their families. A special emphasis was placed on theimplementation of numerous activities for children and grandchildren of ouremployees in the areas of health improvement, cultural work, organization oftheir recreation, entertainment, etc.
The conference also heard the report of the Audit Committee anddiscussed tasks to improve internal union activities and strengthen socialprotection of employees.
Following the discussion, the conference delegates recognized the workof the trade union committee of the Primary Trade Union Organization of theNational Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv PolytechnicInstitute” for the period from December 2019 to November 2024 as satisfactory.
According to the agenda of the conference, the chairman of the PrimaryTrade Union Organization of the National Technical University of Ukraine “IgorSikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” was elected. Yuriy Veremiychuk, PhD,Associate Professor of the Department of Power Supply of the IEE, was elected.
In addition, the Trade Union Committee was formed, the members of theAudit and Credentials Committees were elected, as well as delegates to the XIVReporting and Election Conference of the Kyiv City Organization of the TradeUnion of Education and Science Workers of Ukraine and delegates to the Councilof the Kyiv City Organization of the Trade Union of Education and ScienceWorkers of Ukraine.
The participants of the conference also considered the priority areas ofthe strategy of the Trade Union of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute for2024-2029.