Two fates. Search History Archives

Among the memorable and significant dates of our people is one, that cannot revoke the decree, or delete from memory, you cannot forget to jam current existence. This is 9 May , Victory Day.

Oleg Klesov. Probably? Naturally!

Probability theory is the science that puts random phenomena beyond the strict laws. In his work Professor of FFM Oleg Klesov, winner of "Teacher-researcher 2011", chose this one among other branches of mathematics.

Moses Abramovich Shkud - the outstanding graduate KPI radio school

Construction of numerous radio stations in the 30s, the restoration of destroyed during the war, radio stations in the 40s, the design of television centers of Moscow and the capitals of the Union republics (the second half of the 50s), participating in making multiprogramming radio and telev

Outstanding mathematician Eugene Viktorovskyy

The second year the chair of mathematical analysis and theory of probability FMF and State Polytechnic Museum at NTUU "KPI" conduct joint seminars to devoted distinguished mathematicians who worked in the KPI. Gone seminars to devoted Zmorovych, OS Smohorzhevsky, YD Sokolov.

National Day of Labour Protection

Seeking to draw the attention of the international community to create appropriate conditions for a person on the basis of priority of life and health, International Labour Organization (ILO) annually celebrates the World Day of Labour Protection.

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