Freshman Day 2014

August 29, students and teachers of the university celebrated Freshman Day at the Square of Knowledge NTUU "KPI".

Meeting with the traveler

In the early summer meeting with Anna Morozova - a graduate of the KPI, which performs around the world hitchhiking with Mary Handus, also a graduate of the KPI was held in the sports complex NTUU "KPI" . The first part of the expedition is finished.

Charity trip of public formation of KPI

7 June 2014 the Kiev Polytechnics carried out charity trip to the orphanage at Belya Tcerkov. Now there are 133 pupils with various health problems. The ride was dedicated to International Children's Day.

Award winners of “KPI-OPEN 2014”

On July, 4 the competitions of young programmers within the framework of the Ninth International Collegiate Programming Contest of S.A. Lebedev and V.M. Glushkov «KPI-OPEN 2014" were finished.

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