The arch has been opened!

An entry group – architecture construction at the entrance of university campus from Yangelia street leading to Park alley was officially unveiled in NTUU “KPI” on 18th of December

Dear colleagues and friends!

In threshold of New 2016 Year I would like to wholeheartedly wish you good health, happiness and success in all your beginnings!

Grant holder of President from FSP

For many years, the highest recognition of students’ achievements is the appointment of Ukraine’s  President  scholarships. In our university as in one of the best and reputable national universities,  each semester five of students get the highest monetary reward.

At the meeting of the Academic Council of NTUU "KPI": 07.12.2015

The first issue on the agenda was information on the adoption of the rules of admission to the university in 2016. First Vice Rector Yu.I.Yakymenko reported for the first time covered Ph.D. level and last time carried out a set on educational qualification level of higher education - specialist.

Talents are awarded KPI 2015

From 12 November to 10 December 2015 at the university held an annual art exhibition-competition "Talents KPI". It was part of students, teachers, scientists, comp-beatniks "KPI" - a total of 94 individuals who presented a total of 350 works.

Master of screw-thread

Artworks of V. Pushkin always differ from its originality and singularity of design. It arose the interest of visitors and heated discussions. Some of them adorn the private offices, the majority located in the 22nd campus building, where Vladimir Pavlovich worked as head of the laboratory.

Dreams keeper

  They said that during the sleep our soul travels from one world to another and gives us massages from space. Other thinks that dreams are reflection of everyday life. Each of us, fell asleep, dream about bright and interesting dreams.

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