Congratulations to Yuriy Mykolayovych Kuznetsov

Professor tools and machines design Department of the MMI, a member of AS of higher education of Ukraine, D. S. in engineering, Yuriy Mykolayovych Kuznetsov on awarding a gold medal "The Outstanding Inventor" of the World Intellectual Property Organization!

Bogdan Glyvynskyy about LitVezha

In September 2015, in the KPI tower, the event that changed the literary life of our university took place – the LitVezha project came into the world. Boys and girls, students of KPI(and not only them) started helding theme nights devoted word of art.

Shaping competition

The competition, held upon the Olympics Program of the "KPI", was attended by 85 students of FBMI, FMF, FL, HTF, FMM, FEL, ITC, FPM, fax, MMI, PTI, FIVT, FAT, VPI, IASA, IMD, FBT, IEE. The main aim of the competition is the popularization of sports and healthy lifestyle.

Improves equipment in pharmaceutical and food industry

Among the young scientists awarded by certificates of NAS Ukraine for achievements in the development of important scientific problems in 2015, the name of Sergey Ihorovych Kostyk - Ph.D., assistant of department biotechnology and engineering FBT is also called.

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