Training at the World Data Center

 Modern development of the country requires using of new technologies in space monitoring of the Earth and geospatial data collection in order to meet social needs, national security and defense and so on. It was marked in the project Space activities strategy of Ukraine till 2022.

Memories of the Future

Admirers of Academician Evgen Goncharuk talent every year had a pleasant opportunity to congratulate him on January 7 not only with a birthday, but also with Christmas. Although Evgen Gnatovych died in 2004, he remains in human memory in Ukraine and abroad.

Christmas gifts from "Angels"

On the eve of New Year and Christmas holidays the future physical therapists who are studied at the Department of Biosafety and Human Health of Biomedical Engineering Faculty Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute got wonderful gifts.

Congratulations on honorific titles confer

By the decree of President of Ukraine №10/2017 dated January, 21, 2017 on “State awards on the occasion of the Day of National Unity of Ukraine” the following honorific titles are conferred to fellow workers Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute

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