Alumni meeting of thermal power engineers

On a warm May day, as always "unconventional", there was a meeting of alumni of the TP-52, TEF, 2001 year of graduation. Former students in full gathered together with their families in the Bucha Extreme Park.

VIII Conference on High Pressure Materials Processing

The VIII International scientific and technical conference "Theoretical and practical problems in the processing of materials by pressure and quality of professional education" was held on May 29 - June 2, 2017 in the town of Zaliznyi Port.

Aerobics competition 2017

Competition in aerobic gymnastics for the championship among the departments under the program of the Spartakiad of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute was organized on 20th of April, 2017 in the aerobics and fitness hall of the Center for Physical Education and Sports.

Relief effort “Take a HIV test at your university!”

May 24 Student Social Service of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kiev Polytechnic Institute” (further - SSS) conducted a social-preventive action “Take a HIV test at your university!” from free anonymous express testing for HIV infection to all students, postgraduat

How not to get lost in digital space

Modern information and communication technologies provide scientists around the world with enormous opportunities for publication of scientific research results, exchange of information, development of international scientific contacts.

Competitions in gymnastics 2017

Team-Personnel Championship of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kiev Polytechnic Institute” of the gymnastics was on April 5, 2017 on the premises of the Sports Complex of the University.

The school of young scientist–2017

On May 17-19, on the territory of Igor Sikorsky KPI was taking place the School of young scientist-2017 "Steps to success in scientific­ innovation activity".

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