Dear colleagues and friends!

In threshold of New 2016 Year I would like to wholeheartedly wish you good health, happiness and success in all your beginnings!

Congratulations on Independence Day!

Ukraine has been struggling for its independence for a long time. Thus, August, 24th 1991 became the symbol of new era in the history of our nation, milestone from which the new future advance into sovereign, independent Ukraine started.

Dear women!

I heartily congratulate you on the holiday of spring and love - Day March 8! It is symbolic that it comes at a time when Mother Nature throws heavy shackles of winter and day light overcomes the darkness.

Dear friends!

The last days of 2014 are flowing away. Another page in the history of our state is turning.

This past year was a difficult one for Ukraine, the university, for each of us. But at the same time it was very successful.

Dear friends! Dear Colleagues!

Sincere Greetings for New Year 2014! May Peace, Happiness, Family Warmth, Inspiration and Success be yours during this year. Year 2013 is at its close. For us this year was difficult, full of hard work, but yet successful.

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