Methodology implementation experience of resource efficient and purer manufacture was discussed in NTUU 'KPI'

The main purpose of the conference 'The methodology implementation experience of the of enterprises’ resource efficient and purer manufacture situated in Kyiv region' was the results discussion of enterprises’ and organizations’ activity in the Kyiv region within the frame of implementation the resource efficient and purer manufacture project under the direction of UN, namely UNIDO. UNIDO also initiates involving of new enterprises in this project. The host of the conference was The Resource Efficient and Purer Manufacture Centre (REPMC) established within the frame of this project with the purpose of servicing and organizational supporting the measures aiming to reduce resource consumption by the Ukrainian enterprises and increase competitive advantage.

New Horizons of Algeria

Last year's visit of our university's deligation to the Algerian National Democratic Republic, during which the agreement on cooperation was signed, was the beginning of business contacts between our University and the University of Saad Dahlab, Blida.

The conference on the e-Infrastructure development

On the 22 of May, on the premises of our university The Association of Central and East European educational and science networks (CEENET), supported by the EU and the 7th Framework Programme of the development of the EU, held the International Conference on the e-Infrastructure development

The Conference on Energy problems at TEF

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The Conference at PMF

On the 22-23rd of April 2013, The International Scientific and Practical Conference II “Descriptive Geometry, Design and Intellectual Property Items” for students, post-graduated students and young researchers was held at the Department of Descriptive Geometry, Engineering and Computer Graphics

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