Study the history of our Alma mater

In the Scientific and Technical Library it was launched a new cultural and educational project "Pages of History of Kyiv Polytechnic Institute".  In frame of this project  two meetings, devoted to patrons of our university were held February 18 and April 2.

A car as a gift to fighters ATO

Kiev Polytechnics  actively engaged in volunteer work to help the soldiers involved in the ATO. Volunteer Battalion deploys work under the guidance of prof. S.O.Kudria. Trade union employees  accumulate funds to help the families of soldiers-polytechnics.

Volunteer Battalion is created in KPI

At the initiative of the Rector M.Z. Zgurovsky a charitable organization "Volunteer Battalion KPI" was created in NTUU"KPI". Its purpose - to assist the Military, the wounded and the families of employees of the KPI, died in the ATO.

Charity Fair

September 13, a charity fair was held at NTUU"KPI". Funds from the fair organizers will send to help the Ukrainian military, which participate in the ATO.

Charity trip of public formation of KPI

7 June 2014 the Kiev Polytechnics carried out charity trip to the orphanage at Belya Tcerkov. Now there are 133 pupils with various health problems. The ride was dedicated to International Children's Day.

Gifts to the children

On St. Nicholas’ Day kids expect gifts. Adults are have the opportunity to marvel that will give pleasure to  children and make their lives more interesting at this day.

Masterpiece on Shulyavka - gift of sponsors to Kyiv

October 1, 1896 by express train Southwestern Railways Minister of Justice of Russia, and in the recent past, the head of this Railways S.Vitte arrived in Kyiv. Inhabitants of Kyiv know very well about his outstanding organizational skills.

Patrons i founders of KPI

August 31, 1898 has gone down in history as the birthday of our glorious University. That same day, the first director of the KPI Professor Victor L.

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