Awards for textbooks

In "Kyiv Polytechnic" it was already mentioned that on October 24-26, 2017, in the Kyiv Palace of Children and Youth, the IX International Exhibition "Innovation in Modern Education" was held with the support and participation of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the National Acad

The rewards of Federation of Scientific and Technical Societies of Poland

The Chief Administration of the Federation of Scientific and Technical Societies of Poland awarded its honorary golden plaque to the employees of the National Technical University of Ukraine " Igor Sikorsky Kiev Polytechnic Institute" – the head of the Department of International Relations and Pr

Igor Sikorsky KPI became laureate of “Leader of Ukrainian science 2016. Web of Science award”

National technical university “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv polytechnic institute” was granted a reward “Leader of Ukrainian science 2016. Web of Science award” in the nomination of “Science and innovations” by Ministry of Education and Science and “Clarivate Analytics” company (former subdivision for scientific property and science “Thomson Reuters”) and National Academy of Science

«KPI-Open 2016»: ceremony of awarding the winners

In June, 8 there was an official ceremony of closing and awarding the winners of XI open international students Olympiad on programming n.a. S.Lebediev and V.Glushkov «KPI-Open 2016» in the Conference Hall of Academic Board of NTUU “KPI”.

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