KPI-2023: year in review

Despite the second year of the war, Kyiv Polytechnic Institute did not stop in scientific achievements, opening new opportunities and achieving priorities. This year KPI turned 125.

The Peace Light of Bethlehem shone in Kyiv Polytechnic

For the second time, Ukrainian scouts delivered the fire from Bethlehem to Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. They hold such an event every year before Christmas.

Anyone could light a candle and bring a piece of the Bethlehem Fire to their homes.

New laboratory at RTF - Datacom

The laboratory is designed to improve students' practical skills in the basics of telecommunications and networking. It is equipped with projectors, switches, routers, and access point controllers.

Kyiv Polytechnics will forecast seismic activity

Creating a model of the Earth's gravitational field based on real-time data from a group of satellites equipped with ultra-sensitive gravimeters is no longer a fantasy. In any case, it is now clear how this can be done. So the only question is how to put this idea into practice.

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