Cybermetrics Lab has released the seventh university transparency rating, based on citation from leading scientists. The National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" retained the first place among Ukrainian universities and 1649 places in the world with an index of 29087.
The authors of the ranking consider the citation at Google Scholar as an indicator of the university's web presence, which reflects their activities and is an indicator of the university's openness. The official domains or mailing addresses of educational institutions are used for the analysis.

For the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute ranked the results of the following scientists: VP Khomenkov (ITF, TEF), SM Lapach (TM, MMI), AA Fokin (OH and TOR, HTF), M.Z. .Zgugrovsky (IMSA, IPSA), SM Peresada (AEMS and EP, FEA), O.G. Malyshevsky (MMSA, IPSA), VPBovtun (ME, FEL), A.Yu. Shelestov (IB, IPT), Ya. Rushchitsky (MAT, FMF), A.O. Snarsky (STF, FMF).

Ranking leaders are Harvard and Stanford Universities with 1730326 and 1508578 respectively.

We remind scientists of the need to use a Google Scholar university name and university email address. Recommendations for creating and maintaining a profile at Google Scholar can be obtained from the link or contact the Education and Research Support Section of the Scientific and Technical Library. (reading room # 9, tel. 204-96-72,