Nina Yakovlevna Averbukh, the graduate of KPI of 1947, the student, the friend of the family S. I. Tetelbauma and his colleague on special production No. 2 (the only woman in collective!). Having endured evacuation, loss native, fight against "cosmopolitism", she protected candidate and finished the labor way the chief specialist on protection of communications against corrosion of the Ministry of municipal services of Ukraine. Despite respectable age (nearly 85), Nina Yakovlevna leads active lifestyle, plays sports, travels, makes stories about leading figures in science with whom it was necessary to work, meets students, in particular, kindly agreed to visit edition of "KP" and to tell about the past.

Young professor

Under the leadership of  Semyon Isaakovich I started working since October, 1941: secretary of dean's office, laboratory assistant, technician, engineer experimenter of special production. In the 1941st KPI worked as a part of the Central Asian industrial institute, and Semyon Isaakovich headed special faculty. So called “radiofac” for the purpose of privacy preservation. As it  was only of all faculties of all higher education institutions of the region, it gave a reservation to the students and employees, young men studied there only, was the military who are transferred to the reserve after wound much. Tetelbaum put on very modestly: linen trousers, sandals, tennis shirt. Among gallant soldiers who "shot" at it tobacco on a porch of institute, without suspecting who before them, Semyon Isaakovich looked absolutely not considerable. But what was their surprise when subsequently saw professor behind teaching chair.

With students prof. Tetelbaum kept very democratically. At examinations he allowed to use abstracts and textbooks, he spoke: if the student in a stressful situation for half an hour understands ticket questions, will be able then it is confident to be guided in intense circumstances, being the expert. Fourth-year students considered its subject "The Radio-transmitting Devices" very difficult. Sometimes students even passed to other specialties not to hand over it. But even for the two at examination didn't take offense at the teacher: he was very correct with wards - two interlocutors found out that one knows a subject, and another - not, recorded it in the sheet and dispersed – neither tears nor offenses.

Semyon Isaakovich spoke  interestingly, besides with a good language, as the announcer of radio spoke. But... first 15 minutes of lecture. Further he was fond, started speaking quickly, it was absolutely impossible to keep up with his thought. It was necessary for students to stop the lecturer. And again the picture repeated: minutes 15 accurate academic speeches - also weed thought behind which students weren't always in time.

By the way, apparently, there was no such area of science, art which it wouldn't understand thoroughly. What subject wouldn't be discussed with Semyon Isaakovich's participation, appear, that he is the certified specialist in this area.

Head of special production

At the same time the scientist headed laboratory, so-called special production No. 2 where were engaged in military development (by the way, such name it had still some time in Kiev after restoration of institute). The head differed in improbable working capacity. Lived, evacuated from Kiev far from the center where there was an institute. In laboratory sat up long after midnight. But in 8 a.m. Semyon Isaakovich appeared with draft copies of new schemes and calculations. On a question: "When you were in time?" the answer sounded: "But after 2 a.m. there is a lot of time".

Semyon Isaakovich was the person educated, and widely erudite. Sometimes on production the technologist, the worker didn't know how to make some detail - Tetelbaum came, showed and explained. It seemed, in its work there were no trifles which he wouldn't know. The colleague Semyon Isaakovich and now tell the impressions of work with him: when he asked a specific question, there was a wish to extend hands on seams and to report. He didn't suffer insignificant talks - interrupted the interlocutor a leading question if after that the answer wasn't business and in fact - interrupted conversation.

For development of the USSR's first radar in the 1944th S. I. Tetelbaum - the person civil - was awarded a fighting award of the Red Star.


At Semyon Isaakovich I had to be engaged and office-work, to make out scientific reports. And it had such handwriting that sometimes it and itself couldn't decipher this or that group of signs (letters it is impossible to call it even with a big stretch). For example, such dialogues happened very often. I ask: "This what word?" - "Antenna". - "Yes doesn't approach on a context". - "Then" similarly "." And that it concerns "similarly"? "-" yes you already understand".

I remember somehow, the editor-in-chief of the wall newspaper the associate professor of MMF T. V. Putyata nearly with tears appealed to all to help to print out Semyon Isaakovich's message. Or other case. For celebration of anniversary of Popov created the republican commission under the leadership of Tetelbaum. I come into the reception director of institute of film engineers, and the secretary in despair. There is a working meeting of the anniversary commission, it is necessary to print the draft decision, and the text can't almost be sorted because it is written by Tetelbaum. "Undervud" was necessary to sit down darlings and fast "to tick" the document. And already in a few minutes from an office Semyon Isaakovich with the printed text ran out - very much he who could read his handwriting wanted to look, and invite to himself to work. What his "disappointment"  was when he saw a familiar face.


Turning a flashback, it seems: everything is better, than learned, thanks to S. I. Tetelbaum. It wrapped my first drawings, and that there were antenna knots of warplanes, learned to make out posters to performances, showed how the pointed match, which was dipped in ink, to write formulas and so forth. When in the 1948th offered me in Film engineering institute new to me the area of work, I worried - whether I will consult. On what Semyon Isaakovich indignantly declared: why I pottered with you seven years if you aren't able to seize the new direction. And already in 2 years, working as the assistant to chair of electrical equipment and replacing the teacher, I gave to students lectures on TOE. And it thanks to Semyon Isaakovich's confidence in my abilities.

At further employment not documents on education and the service record, and that fact were the best recommendation for me that I worked under the leadership of S. I. Tetelbaum.

Life as it is

Semyon Isaakovich was fond of various ideas which not always received an embodiment. At the beginning of the 50th his relative from Leningrad, the doctor of science, published the science-fiction novel. Tetelbaum offered: "And why don’t we try?"

In 1946 for scientists from Kiev allocated ten "Muscovites". Semyon Isaakovich got one. But he couldn't get the driver's license. For a question "As mag works?" He wrote off the page formulas and quite drove crazy to the examiner. And I went with the driver all the time.

Semyon Isaakovich had a motor boat. In fall of the 1958th he organized for colleagues departure on the nature (on Trukhanov the island). Weather stood cold, the wave didn't allow to stick to the coast. Then Semyon Isaakovich without hesitation undressed, jumped in water and tightened boats. He never complained of health, in the mid-fifties was fond of scuba diving.

That news of his death became more improbable. It found me on November 26 in the Western Ukraine where I was in business trip. At regional executive committee hung out fresh newspapers. And in one of them I read: suddenly the outstanding scientist died... The thought flashed: perhaps, the namesake, and further - emptiness. I regained consciousness sitting on snow at that stand, colleagues bothered me, and something told.

So many years passed, but mind didn't reconcile to big injustice when the best go to eternity prematurely.