🎥 New laboratory of signals and processes in radio engineering
With the assistance and support of one of the largest Ukrainian miltech companies SkyFall, the Faculty of Radio Engineering of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute opened a state-of-the-art laboratory of signals and processes in radio engineering, which is not inferior to the European level and has no analogues in Ukraine.
Professor Volodymyr Ohiyevsky: The man who stood at the origins of Ukrainian Radio
On November 16, 2024, we celebrated the 100th anniversary of Ukrainian Radio. It was on this day in 1924 that its first program was broadcast. It was a radio concert by the Viem Violin Quartet. It was broadcast by the first Ukrainian broadcasting station, which was equipped in Kharkiv, the capital of Ukraine at the time, by a group of Ukrainian engineers and technicians under the leadership of Volodymyr Ohiievskyi, a lecturer at the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. Later, Ogievsky led the construction and launch of similar stations in Odesa, Dnipro, Tiraspol, and other cities.
Congratulations to the winners of the XVII Olympiad on circuit theory "TEC'2024" !!!
On November 28-th, 2024, the XVII Open Student Circuit Theory Olympiad was held, which is annually held by the Department of Electronic Engineering of the Faculty of Electronics and is dedicated to the memory of Professor Vitaliy Sigorsky, an outstanding scientist and pedagog who worked at our university from 1964 till 2007.
Oleksandr Myronchuk. The future is born here
The leader of technical education in Ukraine, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, actively cooperates with external partners to upgrade its training and laboratory facilities and implements educational programs adapted to the needs of the labor market and high-tech business. For several years now, the RTF has been operating a Datacom laboratory equipped with powerful modern Huawei equipment. Not only radio engineering students, but also KPI students from other faculties can study there.
Anastasiia Sydorenko. The sprouts of the future are growing stronger
The Seeds for the Future international educational programme organised by Huawei brought together 150 students from 23 countries in Rome this year. The main topics of the event were: innovation, digitalisation, sustainable development and entrepreneurship. Among the participants were five talented students from five leading Ukrainian universities. Anastasiia Sydorenko, a fourth-year student of the RTF, represented Kyiv Polytechnic.