KPI scientists in the Scopus ranking

18 of our scientists were included in the first thousand most cited Ukrainian scientists in the Scopus database according to the Hirsch index during the fourth quarter of 2023.

Ukrainian scientific citation index

Systemic introduction of citation index as a regulatory parameter of estimation efficiency of the economic research of subject activities began in Ukraine in 2009, however, the situation with access to databases of scientific citation tracking (SciVerse Scopus, Web of Science, etc.) still rem

Global dimensions of scientific publications

In modern globalized world through the use of advanced telecommunications and information technologies are important problems timely exchange of information on scientific achievements regardless of their locations. These problems are not only technical, but also organizational, verbal, financial and other aspects. The need to solve them is obvious, because it depends on the success of social development in many areas, including during preparation and appraisal of scientific personnel.

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