Kobelev Oleksandr Vasyliovych

O.V. Kobelev (1860, Tsarskoye Selo - 30.09.1942, Kyiv, buried in the cemetery Lukianivka) - famous Kyiv architect, teacher, member of the St. Petersburg Union of Architects.

O.K. Antonov and his aircraft on the coins

The right to print the money is one of the attributes of statehood. The first state on the territory of today’s Ukraine – Kiev Rus – strengthened its sovereignty by minting its own coins in X-XI centuries.

Faithful to life, faithful to death

About Ukrainian poetess Olena Teliga (Shovhenova), we know very little. For a long time her name was buried with the body in a mass grave, hidden under Soviet ideological restrictions and controls, unfair erased from people's memory.

Plan K.E. Tsiolkovsky

"Many people think that I'm busily about the rocket and care about its fate for the rocket itself. It would be a grave mistake - wrote Tsiolkovsky. – The rocket for me is just the way only, a method of penetration into the depths of space, but not an end in itself.

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