Peresada Serhii Mykhailovych (born in 1952) – doctor of technical Sciences, Professor, since 2008 head of Department of automation of Electromechanical systems and electric drive. Laureate of the State prize of Ukraine in science and technology in 2015.
In 1977 he graduated from Donetsk Polytechnic Institute majoring in «Electric drive and automation of industrial installations». Candidate of technical Sciences since 1983, Thesis defended 16 May 1983 in the specialized academic Council D. 068.14.03 at the Kiev Polytechnic Institute. Doctor of technical Sciences, 2008 Thesis defended 20.06.2007 at specialized academic Council D. 26.187.01 at the Institute of electrodynamics of NAS of Ukraine.
The main directions of scientific research:
- management of multidimensional nonlinear Electromechanical systems with partially measurable state vector;
- adaptive control of Electromechanical systems with electrical engines of alternating current.
Has 187 publications, including 150 scientific (102 in professional journals), 14 methodical and 23 certificates.