KPI graduate Andriy Vasylenko died

After graduating from Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Andrii worked as a power grid design engineer. One of his works was the lighting of a section of the Warsaw highway from Kyiv to Gostomel.

Olympiad of future power engineers and energy managers

On April 10-12, 2023, the Department of Power Supply of the Institute of IEE and the Department of Thermal and Alternative Energy of the Institute of IAPM jointly held an open university student Olympiad in the discipline "Energy Management" for the specialties 141 "Electric Power Engine

Happy Easter!

Dear Kyiv Polytechnics! The bright holiday of Easter is a tradition that Ukrainians pass on from generation to generation: in the towels on the Easter basket, the ornaments of Easter eggs, family recipes for Easter cake, and the customs of hayivky and pouring.

Inspection of KPI shelters

On April 13, representatives of the university student council, campus, student parliament, KPI students' trade union together with the vice-rector for administrative work Vadym Kondratyuk and the chief of the civil defense staff Yuriy Nesterenko inspected the civil defense shelters.

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