NTUU "KPI" was visited by a delegation of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan, headed by the First Deputy Minister Mikho Takay. She delivered lecture for KPI students, instructors and researchers on "Japanese universities – higher education reform for creating the new future." The lecture was focu¬sing on challenges both higher education in Japan, and universities in other developed countries are facing today, and search for the most appropriate response to these challen¬ges. Mikho Takay said that in today's globalized rapidly changing world the universities are beginning to play a more important role than before.

Speaking about relations between Japan and Ukraine, the twentieth anniversary of its establishment being celebrated this year, she expressed confidence that they would keep on developing in the future, including the sphere of higher education.

After the lecture, Mikho Takay met with the university leadership. The mee¬ting participants discussed the issues of further cooperation of Japanese universities and NTUU "KPI" research centers. Given that cooperation between KPI and a number of Japanese universities have been recently developing very rapidly, especially in the sphere of environment and energy, the participants agreed that it was high time to expand the subject matter of joint research on specific problems and implement new joint projects.

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