One of the most anticipated events of student life - Spartakiad 2024 - has started in Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. The competition for the title of the best, strongest and smartest faculty of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute started with a chess tournament.

This year, a record number of participants competed for the title of the most skilful chess players of Kyiv Polytechnic in fierce intellectual duels: 74 boys and 16 girls from more than 20 faculties and institutes of our university. The game turned out to be fierce! After all, students played blitzes - ‘fast chess’ with 3+2 time control. This format requires a balanced strategy and tactics, careful calculation of the opponent's moves and the ability to think ahead.

‘The level of chess play of Kyiv Polytechnic students is growing significantly from year to year. This time, almost all our faculties and institutes took part in the first competitions of the Spartakiad, among which a large number of girls. By the way, they play with the boys on equal terms, showing excellent results,‘ says Igor Stepaniuk, Chairman of the KPI Students’ Trade Union, organiser of the university-wide Spartakiad.

The two highest results among boys and one among girls were taken into account in the overall standings of the results by faculties.

🏆 The winner of the competition was the team of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics with a total of 19.5 points.
Congratulations to our winners and we look forward to the next competitions of the University-wide Spartakiad. After all, this is just the beginning, so the results of the teams can change rapidly!

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