Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute is opening enrollment for a bachelor's degree in the new specialty 072 "Finance, Banking, Insurance and Stock Market" - under the educational program "Financial Management" - this announcement in social networks attracted the attention of the editorial board of Kyiv Polytechnic. The correspondent asked the Dean of the Faculty of Management and Marketing, Maryna Kravchenko, for a comment on the features and benefits of studying in the new specialty.


- "Both now and in the future, Ukraine will be in dire need of huge amounts of capital investment to rebuild its economy," says Maryna Olehivna. "The war has not diminished investors' interest, but it has changed the directions of investment. And in such circumstances, it is very important that competent financial managers work at all levels of the economy: institutions, organizations, and enterprises, who are able to ensure the reliability of financial transactions and contracts, and the implementation of investment projects to restore and develop the country's economy.

Even in times of full-scale invasion, the National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" maintains its position as a leader in quality higher education and continues to shape trends in training the most sought-after specialists in the country. In response to the requirements of the country's economy and in accordance with the relevant labor market demands for finance specialists, the Faculty of Management and Marketing of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute is launching a bachelor's degree program in Financial Management.

I would like to note that a financial manager is an interesting, popular, promising and highly paid profession that allows you to work wherever there is capital and the need to manage it. Having a financial specialty, a graduate will have the opportunity to cooperate with companies, banks, funds and other institutions. And having received high-quality general economic training, which precedes the mastery of professional financial disciplines, such a specialist will be able to easily expand their activities in related areas, working with both domestic business and foreign partners. It is impossible to become a successful businessman or investor without understanding financial management.

While studying professional disciplines, future professionals will learn how to work in financial and international currency markets, analyze and systematize information, innovate and invest in successful projects, predict and insure business risks, use modern information and communication systems and technologies, and conduct financial engineering and controlling. In addition, students will gain the necessary knowledge of the banking system, business property valuation, cost management, actuarial calculations, and financial risk assessment systems, as well as be able to deepen their knowledge and freely choose a quarter of the academic disciplines.

The educational program is distinguished by its own peculiarities. Professionals from the financial and business spheres will be involved in the educational process of consulting and reviewing theses.

Applicants will undergo internships at partner companies and stakeholder institutions, including Raiffeisen Bank, Krayina Insurance Company, and Centerbud LLC.

So, if you are interested in education in finance, we invite you to enter the Faculty of Management and Marketing at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute under the new educational program "Financial Management".