Center for Veteran Development in KPI

The ongoing war is ruthlessly destroying the land, destroying cities and industrial facilities, crushing and grinding human destinies, and taking the best with it. And those who have escaped its clutches need social support and reintegration into society.

Svitlana Muzyka: "The training was difficult, but my colleagues and mentors didn't let me give up"

Today's students have to make every effort to gain quality knowledge. In recent years, they have been socially isolated due to quarantine, suffered psycho-emotional suffering, and faced the horrors of war. Their education was interrupted and changed format - from full-time to distance/mixed and back to full-time. It is all the more pleasant to talk about our students who, despite all the obstacles, not only acquire professional knowledge but also successfully find applications for it. 

Anastasiia Sydorenko. The sprouts of the future are growing stronger

The Seeds for the Future international educational programme organised by Huawei brought together 150 students from 23 countries in Rome this year. The main topics of the event were: innovation, digitalisation, sustainable development and entrepreneurship. Among the participants were five talented students from five leading Ukrainian universities. Anastasiia Sydorenko, a fourth-year student of the RTF, represented Kyiv Polytechnic.

Rector of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute Anatolii Melnychenko about the plans and main goals of the new management team

On the eve of the beginning of the academic year, Rector of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute Anatolii Melnychenko, who this summer replaced the long-time head of Kyiv Polytechnic Mykhailo Zgurovsky, met with the editor-in-chief of the university newspaper, answered the questions of the editorial board and told about the plans and main goals of the new management team of our university.

How to learn to manage capital?

Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute is opening enrollment for a bachelor's degree in the new specialty 072 "Finance, Banking, Insurance and Stock Market" - under the educational program "Financial Management" - this announcement in social networks attracted the attention of the editorial board of Kyiv Polytechnic. The correspondent asked the Dean of the Faculty of Management and Marketing, Maryna Kravchenko, for a comment on the features and benefits of studying in the new specialty.

Intellectual property is in the focus of attention

The conversation with Oksana Yurchyshyn, Head of the Department of Scientific and Innovative Support of the Educational Process of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Associate Professor of the Department of Machine Design of the Institute of MMI, took place on the eve of the International Day of Intellectual Property. Therefore,

Rector's election 2024: current information

What is the preparatory stage of the election, who can be a delegate in the election of the rector and where are the results of the nomination of candidates for the post of rector from the university's structural units published?

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