Radio engineering Faculty of National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
Contact details:
RTF address: Politehnichna street, 12, AB #17, room 423, 03056, Kyiv, Ukraine

Phone: 204-92-93
E-mail: dek[at]
Social networks Social networks Social networks

Day of the Faculty: 7.05-25.05
Licence by Ministry of Science and Education AE № 270199 from 02.07.2013
Dean: Serhii Martyniuk

Departments of Radioengineering Faculty

The Faculty of Radio Engineering was established on the basis of the radio laboratory (founded by V.V. Ogievsky in 1921) of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. In 1930, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering was separated and reorganized into the Kyiv Energy Institute, which established the Faculty of Radio Engineering and the Department of Radio Engineering. The faculty and the department were headed by prof. V.V. Ogievsky. 1930 is considered to be the year of birth of the KPI radio engineering faculty. In 1931, the regular graduation of radio engineers began.

In 1943 the department of radio receiving devices was headed by N.P. Wollerner. During this period, the faculty performs important defense research work. The dean of the Faculty of Radio Engineering and the head of the Department of Radio Engineering at that time was Professor S.I. Tetelbaum, who later in 1949 created a research direction of ultrahigh frequency electronics.

Radio Engineering Faculty prepares highly qualified specialists who are able to work effectively at all stages of design and manufacture of modern electronic devices and systems: satellite (GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, VSAT) and mobile (GSM, CDMA) communication; computer wired (including optical lines) and wireless networks (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth); television and telecommunications systems (WiMAX, LTE, DVB-T2); special communication systems; microprocessor and computer control systems for domestic and industrial use; biotechnical and medical systems of diagnosis and treatment; robotic and mechatronic systems.

Teaching is carried out on the basis of modern laboratories with the use of a wide range of specialized software. Such software includes CAD packages as AutoCAD, Altium Designer, MicroCAP, Proteus, Quartus, Multisim, LTspice, etc., mathematical modeling packages; MathCAD, Matlab, etc. And specialized software: HFSS, Microwave Studio, LabView.

In addition, students learn general programming languages ​​(C / C ++, Python, etc.), special purpose (Verilog, G) and WEB-programming (Java, PHP, HTML, etc.).

Graduates of the Radio Engineering Faculty work in leading positions at the largest Ukrainian holdings (Ukroboronprom, Antonov), IT companies (EPAM, Luxoft, GlobalLogic, Betlab), mobile companies (Kyivstar, Vodafone, Lifecell), telecommunications companies (CISCO, Volya , Ukrtelecom, Viasat, Lanet), foreign companies (Samsung, Huawei, Melexis, Wurth Elektronik, Pulsion Medical Systems, Ericsson), companies of contract electronics manufacturers (VD MAIS, SEA, Jabil).

The faculty provides the opportunity to study full-time and part-time for both budget and private funds.

Specialities and Educational programs at Radio Engineering Faculty

Specialities and Educational programs Type of educational program and level of higher education Department
172 Telecommunication and radio engineering    
Інтелектуальні технології радіоелектронної техніки, Intelligent technologies of radioelectronic equipment Bachelor degree, Master degree PRE
Інформаційна та комунікаційна радіоінженерія, Information and communication radioengineering Bachelor degree, Master degree RI
Радіотехнічні комп'ютеризовані системи, Radio technical computerised systems Bachelor degree, Master degree RTS
Telecommunication and radio engineering PhD PRE, RI, RTS

Journals of Radio engineering Department

  • Radio Electronics and Communication systems, ISSN 2307-6011 (Online), ISSN 0021-3470 (Print) is an international monthly scientific and technical peer-reviewed journal on radio engineering and radio electronics. Published by NTUU "KPI" since 1958. Certificate of state registration of the printed mass media KV №10692 dated 01.12.2005. The English version of Radioelectronics and Communications Systems is published and distributed by Springer. The journal is included in international scientometric databases and is indexed in SCOPUS, INSPEC, Google Scholar, Academic OneFile, EI-Compendex, Gale, OCLC, SCImago, Summon by Serial Solutions, VINITI, RINC. Impact factor = 0.113 (WoS, 2012). SJR = 0.193 (Scopus, 2012). The journal is included in the list of scientific professional publications of Ukraine of category A, which can publish the results of scientific research in the following specialties: 171 - Electronics, 172 - Telecommunications and radio engineering, 173 - Avionics, 126 - Information systems and technologies, 151 - Automation and computer integrated technologies, 152 - Metrology and information-measuring equipment, 153 - Micro- and nanosystem technology
  • Visnyk NTUU KPI Seriia - Radiotekhnika Radioaparatobuduvannia. ISSN: 2310-0397 (print) ISSN: 2310-0389 (online) The journal publishes the results of scientific research on the problems of creating the theoretical foundations of modern radio engineering and radio engineering; practical implementation of scientific and technological achievements; intellectualization of design and production processes. Year of foundation is 1956. Certificate of state registration of the printed mass media KV № 22694-12594PR. The bulletin is included in the international scientometric databases Web of Science, DOAJ, Google Scholar, Index Copernicus International, OCLC WorldCat, EBSCO, etc. The journal is included in the list of scientific professional publications of Ukraine of category A, which can publish the results of scientific research in the following specialties: 171 - Electronics, 172 - Telecommunications and radio engineering, 173 - Avionics, 126 - Information systems and technologies, 151 - Automation and computer integrated technologies, 152 - Metrology and information-measuring equipment, 153 - Micro- and nanosystem technology