Addex Community circle

We are incredibly glad that our university has even more people who are not indifferent to help in the rehabilitation, restoration and prosthetics of our veterans and victims of military aggression!

🎥 Unique armored vehicles for the Armed Forces of Ukraine

After the war is over, experts believe the country will need builders and architects, engineers and IT specialists, transport and logistics workers, and others. The prestige of the engineering profession-the degree of respect for it in society-which has recently declined should rise again. After all, engineers are primarily the creators of new, advanced things, aimed at progress in society. And the example of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute graduates is a confirmation of this.

Forum of Mechanical Engineers 2024

Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute once again becomes a center of scientific innovations and advanced technologies in mechanical engineering and aviation, organizing large-scale engineering forums, such as the Forum of Mechanical Engineers, an annual event organized by the Educational and S

🎥 Creative and competent engineers to meet the demands of the modern labour market. Project ‘Renovation of education in the field of aircraft construction’

The Educational and Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering (Institute of MMI) of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute has successfully completed participation in the project ‘Renovation of Education in the field of aircraft construction’ (uCAREER) and showed high results in creating innovative, employer-oriented, certified educational programmes for the training of creative and competent graduate engineers to meet the requirements of the labour market.

Innovative materials and biomechanical medical systems are being researched at MMI

The scientific student group “Experimental Research of New Materials and Biomechanical Systems”, which operates at the Department of Dynamics and Strength of Machines and Resistance of Materials of the Educational and Research Mechanical Engineering Institute, is an example of the important work of young scientists and students in creating prostheses for wounded soldiers and anyone who needs surgery to restore mobility.

Intellectual property is in the focus of attention

The conversation with Oksana Yurchyshyn, Head of the Department of Scientific and Innovative Support of the Educational Process of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Associate Professor of the Department of Machine Design of the Institute of MMI, took place on the eve of the International Day of Intellectual Property. Therefore,

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