World-renowned scientist, outstanding organizer of science, talented engineer, genius of electric welding Borys Eugenovych Paton parted from this life in the 102 year. It is impossible to overemphasize Borys Paton’s contribution to world scientific and technological progress.

First to come. The Mobile Combat Robots project

The Mobile Combat Robots project is the first of five that Meridian representatives have chosen for further development from among those presented at the Defence and Security section of the Sikorsky Challenge 2021 Festival.

Serhiy Cholii. From ancient history to modern

Traditionally, representatives of technical faculties win the university competition "Young Teacher-Researcher". It is even more pleasant to tell about a young scientist, whose historical explorations are interesting and modern, they are published in international publications.

Health season 2021: some summaries

This year the rest of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute staff and members of their families traditionally took place at the university health facilities - OK "Mayak", SVST "Sosnovy" and SOT "Polytechnic".

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