NATO Grant for the Professor of Radioengineering Faculty V.Naidenko

The Professor of Radioengineering Faculty Viktor Naidenko in partnership with the Professor of McMaster University of Canada Nataliia Nikolova has got NATO grant under the program "Science for Peace and Security" to develop a prototype of a compact portable system for preventing and combating

Creating of competitive education system is requirement of time

Our university traditionally is a leader of national and international ratings among technical universities. In order to attract the necessary number of freshmen, quality and methods of training must meet  modern requirements. Reproductive system is inferior to interactive one.

"Book Fair" from Publishing and Printing Institute

March 11, 2016 in the halls, "Bramy Zaborowskogo" Sophia Kyiv opened magical world of illustrations titled "Book Fair". This is the first artistic and educational project involving students of graphic Publishing and Printing institute NTUU "KPI" that went out of our alma mater.

Review from Theoretical Mechanics 2016

March 2, 2016 was a review from theoretical mechanics for students of our university. It was attended by 45 students - six representatives of faculties and institutes, FAX, MMI, IHF, IMD, TEF and IEE.

The action of "KPI-Green"

Student council of campus together with the management of NTUU "KPI" started an action among the universities "KPI-Green", which purpose - to collect secondary waste. KPI Students can take waste paper, batteries, covers of plastic bottles and get it presents.

At the meeting of the Academic Council of NTUU "KPI": 14.03.2016

The first item on the agenda was the report of the first rector NTUU "KPI" Y. I. Yakymenka "Creating competitive education system - a requirement of time." Yuriy Ivanovich informed that the priority in today's environment is to ensure competitive quality of education at all levels as an active two-way process based on defining innovation component.

SmartCityKPI project and stages of implementation

Recently, in KPI social media spread information about large-scale project campus Student Council (CPC), aimed at improving living conditions on campus KPI. We like its residents, this project, of course, interested and we wanted to know more about its implementation.

Spring Opening Day

Recently, in the Art Gallery of the Center of Culture and Arts at NTUU "KPI" was an art exhibition of creative works of talented women on the International Women's Day. The works created by female university collaborators.

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