Nikolay Kylchevskyy (15/06/1909, Kamenetz-Podolsk - 06.14.1979, Kyiv) - an outstanding scientist in the field of mechanics and mathematics. Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (1940). From March 1959 he headed the Department of the Institute of Mechanics of USSR Academy of Sciences. N.A. Kilchevskyy was a member of the USSR National Committee on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, member of the Presidium of the Scientific and Methodological Council on theoretical mechanics at the USSR Ministry of Education, Chairman of the Scientific Council on the "General Mechanics" USSR Academy of Sciences, a member of the editorial board of the journal "Applied Mechanics."

His principal works were dedicated to general mechanics, the theory of shells, static and dynamic contact problems of elasticity, theory of impact, the use of integral equations. He generalized formulation and methods for solving static and dynamic three-dimensional contact of elastic and elastic-plastic problems. He developed a new analytical approach to describe the processes that accompany the dynamic contact interaction of solids.

Student KPI, KPI Lecturer 1933-1944, Head of Theoretical Mechanics Department KPI (1944-1961), professor.

Кільчевський Микола Олександрович - доповідь на ювілейній сесії Інституту механіки АН УРСРКільчевський Микола Олександрович на лекціїКільчевський Микола Олександрович  на кафедрі