Educational and Research Institute for Applied System Analysis of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
Contact Information:
IASA address: building № 35, Beresteiskyi Avenue, 37-A, 03056, Kyiv, Ukraine

Phones for inquiries:
Deputy Director, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor V.Romanenko: 204-80-97,
Dean's Office: 204-97-01
E-mail: ipsa[at]

IASA Admission comittee:
E-mail: ipsa-vk[at]

Preparatory courses (grades 10-11):
Phones: 204-97-02, + 38 (066) 446-72-70,
e-mail: kpiipsa[at]

Scientific adviser of IASA: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of NASU Michael Zgurovsky

Acting IASA Director: Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine Department of Informatics, speciality: Mathematical Modelling and Optimization), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Pavlo Kasyanov

Subdivisions of the Institute of Applied Systems Analysis

IASA logoInstitute for Applied System Analysis Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, which operates within the structure of the National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" and has the IV level of accreditation, established in 1997 by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on the basis of the Research Institute for Applied Systems Analysis National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Ministry of Education of Ukraine and the Department of Mathematical Methods of System Analysis. This is due to the organization in Ukraine focused research, conducting and coordinating the scientific, technical and educational activities in the field of applied systems analysis, advanced information technology and computer science. At IASA, there are three academic departments: Mathematical Methods of Systems Analysis, Applied Nonlinear Analysis, numerical optimization methods. In 2006, the Institute included the Department of Computer Aided Design / CAD (old name - "chair design and production of electronic computing equipment" (until 1985), the new name - "Systems Engineering Department") together with the Institute of Information Resources (INFORES) .

It publishes international scientific journal "System Analysis and Information Technologies" , which is a professional with a number of specialties approved by the HAC of Ukraine. Conduct of the basic and applied research is carried out in close connection with the educational process. The results of scientific research directly introduced into the learning process.

IASA prepares IT professionals, system analysis and intelligent systems decision-making that are able to design, build and operate computer systems for analysis, prediction, forecasting and control of dynamic processes in macro-economic, technical, physical, environmental and financial complex systems.

Graduates work as system analysts, information systems development managers, project managers, engineers in computer systems and networks in government and commercial (academic and industrial) institutions, banks and exchanges in Ukraine and abroad.