Oleksandr Lelechenko: saved country and the whole world

The years go by, but the names of heroes, who at the time of disaster were curbing unbridled nuclear power with no hesitation, do not vanish from the memory of thankful compatriots. Annually, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute reports about engineers, both dead and alive, who participated in elimination of the accident consequences.

The Memorial "To Heroes of Chornobyl" on Troieshchyna

One of the largest residential areas Kyiv is Vyhurivshchyna-Troieshchyna (in everyday communication of Kyiv residents it is simply Troyeshchyna) with the area of ​​three and a half thousand hectares and nearly half a million people.

Round table: ‘Chornobyl Nuclear Power Station – 30 years later’

On April 7th, a round table: ‘Chornobyl Nuclear Power Station – 30 years later’ organized by the Ukrainian nuclear community (UNC), State specialized enterprise of CNPS, National Nuclear Energy-generating company ‘Energoatom’ and NTUU ‘KPI’ took place in the Academic Board Hall.

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