On a book forum: for youth and adults

The Forum of Publishers in Lviv is one of the largest cultural events in Ukraine. Hundreds of books are presented here annually and dozens of creative meetings take place. This year's 25th anniversary forum took place in September, the theme of which is Freedom.

Rare books of descriptive geometry

First year students of almost all faculties acquainted with the exhibition of rare books on descriptive geometry during March - April which was deployed in the hall of rare books of STL NTUU "KPI".

Vintage Editions on Arts and Architecture in STL

The library stock of rare and valuable books of H.I. Denysenko’s Scientific and Technical Library of NTUU “KPI” keeps many books on various branches of science and education, including textbooks from XVIII–XX c. Among the books, the collection of literature on arts and architecture of XIX–XX c.

Izdatelstvo Izvestiy KPI's Founding Story

Researchers who research institutions of higher learning usually emphasize new scientific schools and personalia, cultural events, etc. But the educational process is impossible without printed materials.

Book and Copyright Day Celebration

Authors, publisher, teachers, librarians and everyone who works in this sphere celebrate Book Day. It is celebrated in 190 countries. For the first time it was celebrated in Catalonia (Spain) in 1996, where there is a nice tradition to give a person you like a book and roses in Saint George Day and it has been celebrating more than 80 years.

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