The origins of the Ukrainian aviation

December 17, 2003 was one hundred years from the time when the brothers Orvill and Wilbur Wright made the first manned flight on the airplane engine "Flayer -1". The range of the first flight was 37 meters and it lasted 12 seconds. That brief flight opened a new era in human history.

Plan K.E. Tsiolkovsky

"Many people think that I'm busily about the rocket and care about its fate for the rocket itself. It would be a grave mistake - wrote Tsiolkovsky. – The rocket for me is just the way only, a method of penetration into the depths of space, but not an end in itself.

The beginning of space exploration

1955. Space? Sputnik? These words belonged to science fiction. And although geophysical rocket rose into the sky higher and higher, and even for few minutes reached the comic heights, it was hard to believe that the space age will come so soon.

Long way to the sky

Fifty year is a long time to evaluate the meaning of the breakthrough to the space (the launch of the first artificial satellite of the Earth) and step by step analyze the history of successive accumulation of the data to penetrate the Universe.

Aircraft Designer Kostantin Kalinin

The Kostantin Oleksandrovich Kalinin portrait occupied the honorary place in the gallery of outstanding graduates Kyiv Polytechnic. And this place belongs to him by the right. However not everyone today remembers what this person is famous for.

Design development of FAX. Aircrafts of students DB "Abris"

Wish man to get off the ground and fly like a bird is a dream that for millennia has remained a dream. However, omnipotent genius of man overcomes any obstacle now people for fun or for sport can fly in a balloon, a few hours by plane to overcome thousand kilometers, to fly into space ...

Ukraine. Zhitomir’s "Space" museums

The pioneer of astronautics S.P. Korolev lifelong dreamed of the sky, the stars and the cosmos. His name is associated  with milestones in our history. Therefore FASS decided to honor the anniversary of the great scientist, in particular, visiting the museums in Zhitomir.

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