Since 2005, the Department of International Economics launched a series of conferences "International scientific-technical cooperation", held annually in the KPI n. a. Igor Sikorsky in early spring. This year on March 16-17 XIII National Scientific Conference "International scientific cooperation: principles, mechanisms, efficiency" was held. It was attended by academics, professors, young scientists, students, and practitioners that addressing the priorities of Ukraine's economic development based on international scientific cooperation.
The purpose of the event was to discuss topical issues and to establish an effective international scientific cooperation, providing innovative investment economic development. At the conference the representatives of the faculties, students and young scientists of KPI n. a.Igor Sikorsky, Kyiv National Economic University n. a. Vadym Hetman, Dnipropetrovsk National University n. a. Oles Honchar, the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Auditing, Odessa National Academy of Communications n. a. Popov, Ukrainian institute of scientific and technical expertise and information (UkrISTEI) represented there abstracts. More than 100 abstracts were presented.
The conference was held on the following thematic areas: Engineering and sustainable economic development of the country and the world: the theory, methodology, practice; the state's role in the development of international scientific cooperation; National innovation systems: problems of formation and effectiveness; scientific and technical cooperation as a factor in increasing the competitiveness of the industry of Ukraine; status and trends of financial instruments of international scientific cooperation.
These directions of the conference are important in research and teaching activities of the faculty of International Economy and meet the strategic objectives of Ukraine. We hope that this tradition of holding such conferences on the profile of the department will continue to be driving factors of scientific work of teachers and students.