At the invitation of the direction of the Opole University of Technology (Opole c., Poland) the head of Department of Theoretical and Industrial Heat Systems Engineering(TIHSE) DEeng and professor H.B.Varlamov visited this institution in 15-18 of September 2015. He took part in the University Senate, where principals of Politechnic Universities of neighbouring provinces of Poland approved a decision about joining universities into consolidated organization “Silezian Academy”. While this visit professor H.B.Varlamov had several meetings, also with principals of universities of “Silezian Academy”, they discussed prospectives of activity of organization.
Also professor H.B.Varlamov met with Marek Tukendorf - the principal of the Opole University of Technology, with vice-principals and deans of faculties, they discussed issues about educational and scientific cooperation. With the head of department of cooperation and development of university Anna Chabak was considered prospective directions of cooperation in scientific sphere by the EU Programme “Horizone 2020” to identify the main scientific topics, partner universities from other countries and the conditions for submitting projects. In particular, they discussed two scientific topics that related to scientific searches of department of TIHSE from questions of improving and eco-energy efficiency of combustion fossil fuels and implementation of innovative creation of diesel gaseous burning system for powerful vehicles.
During the meeting with the dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering - Production and Logistics – professor Waldemar Skomudek was discussed the question about the realization of joint project of increasing eco-energy efficiency of power generating systems using of hydrogen fuel and approving of educational programs on specialization “Eco-energy Management” Also was discussed the guestion about preparation and edition of manuals for students and postgraduates on the discipline –aspects of ecological energy production in the energy production sphere in English and Polish languages, publication of common articles in English, and presentation of joint patents.
With the directors of international office of Mechanical Faculty and Faculty of Mechanical Engineering - Production and Logistics was analized the possible participation of the Opole University of Technology in the project that was planned by department of theoretical and industrial thermotechnics of NTUU “KPI” on the programm ERASMUS+ - “Joint improving of environmental protection”, and searching of partners from the Universities of the Czech Republic, Germany and other countries. Professor H.B.Varlamov acquainted with modern educational and scientific basis of University, and with equipment for studying and scientific researches on the increasing processes of burning fossil fuels and different mixtures in cauldrons of municipal specification.
At the end of the visit professor H.B.Varlamov and leading of the Opole University of Technology agreed about preparing of the relevant speeches and proposals about joint educational and scientific projects by the department of Theoretical and Industrial Heat Systems Engineering and presentation to the scientist of the Opole University of Technology